Musical Instruments


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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Does anyone play any musical instruments here? I got my old electric guitar out of storage, and I ended up selling my amp, but think I may pick up another one. I have a really nice guitar I bought years ago, but want to get it out again.
Well, I ordered another amp, so I can start trying to play again. Has anyone ever used Rocksmith before? It's basically like Guitar Hero using your own guitar and without needing an interface.

sweet... I play acoustic guitar bc my mom makes me lol.. she has been a piano player since she was a little kid (took lessons) and has taught piano and played for churches and funerals for her whole life. she likes to play but she usually likes to play alone, but i digress

she practically made me learn guitar. bought me an acoustic and taught me all the chords and basics that she knows. I am better than her at guitar now, but I usually just play little made up strings that sound kinda like red dead redemption... just little patterns that i come up with.. it's nice bc right now i'm staying with them and they always love the atmosphere/ambience of someone playin acoustic in the background.. brings a nice sense of peace into the house

this is my alternate youtube, just made this one up a few years ago, forgive the sloppy and bad recording, but I was just getting back into it
sounds better with headphones

Thats not to bad man, you will be grateful for her making you learn that when you get older.