Vaccination: The Hidden Truth

Don't even get me going on this. I seriously wonder what is in this stuff. I saw a thing on the news yesterday about parents getting jail time if they refuse to have their kids get there shots. Welcome to the new world order!
I wouldn't call it new.  I thought shots were BS growing up even.  My mom always said she wasn't going to go to jail just because I didn't want a shot.

I didn't watch the video in the post yet

It's not a law that kids have to be vacinated. You can get a waiver and even if you don't get a waiver, how can you be imprisoned for something that's not a law?
I'd like to point out that diseases like Polio killed THOUSANDS of children before there was a vaccination for it.  How many kids do you know of now that died from polio?

"Polio (also called poliomyelitis) is a contagious, historically devastating disease that was virtually eliminated from the Western hemisphere in the second half of the 20th century. Although polio has plagued humans since ancient times, its most extensive outbreak occurred in the first half of the 1900s before the vaccination, created by Jonas Salk, became widely available in 1955.

At the height of the polio epidemic in 1952, nearly 60,000 cases with more than 3,000 deaths were reported in the United States alone. However, with widespread vaccination, wild-type polio, or polio occurring through natural infection, was eliminated from the United States by 1979 and the Western hemisphere by 1991."

Small Pox Vaccination Info from the great state of North Dakota:

How about TB?  Do you want your kids to get TB and die of a horrible death in which you literally sufficate?  TB was one of the biggest killers in America before the 1940's, until the vaccination was made......

" Many countries use BCG vaccine as part of their TB control programs, especially for infants. This was the first vaccine for TB and developed at the Pasteur Institute in France between 1905 and 1921.[35] However, mass vaccination with BCG did not start until after World War II.[36] The protective efficacy of BCG for preventing serious forms of TB (e.g. meningitis) in children is greater than 80%; its protective efficacy for preventing pulmonary TB in adolescents and adults is variable, ranging from 0 to 80%.[37]"

I take it you didn't examine the evidence presented in the video?