Losing muscle


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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You know Muscles are really pieces of shit. You spend countless hours lifting weights, eating healty, keeping them in shape. Then you stop for a year and it's all gone. They are like you spent 20 years lifting weights? To bad it's all gone in a year. I mean look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, that dude was Mr. Olympia. But now it's all sag meat. Anyways it always makes you wonder if it's worth it? I know age is a big factor, but still give me some sort of return for my time invested.
Yep I know all so well. It's crazy how you can build them up but why do they shrink down and actually seem/look smaller and worse? Shouldn't the scar tissue/muscle built from the process stay at least somewhat like the effort to grow them? I guess it's just the scinece of muscle tissue. Makes me also wonder if it's worth it. My body is worn out but I look at my dad at 83 and he is doing so well compared to me because he didn't wear it down like I did.
There might be some truth to that @C Pav . I remember all the old men saying "take care of your younger self because when you get older you will be glad that you did". But I have seen some old guys that are ripped as well. The problem is when you get older my body hurts more and more so it is tougher. Then again most men seem to work out because of the whole human mating insticts built into men. Once you find someone there is some sort of mental thing that tells you why bother anymore? I just wish what you built in muscle is what you get to keep.
Everyone is on roids. Meaning celebrities, athletes, etc. When they stop and father time catches up, they look like a shell of their former selves. It's hard to not remember them in their former peak. Arnold was juiced to the gills. Movie stars juice for 6 months to take on movie roles (Thor for example).


Take a look at Bezos now for example. He went from nerd skinny in his 30 and 40's to getting fairly jacked now in his late 50's. You can bet he's on either HGH or at the very least, a testosterone anti aging plan.

I think a case could be made to get your T levels checked as you get into your 40's, if you care about such things. And if you have the money to spend on it.

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This is what they all use, I hear guys can get it prescribed by your doctor if you just complain that your are depressed or can’t get it up anymore.

This is what they all use, I hear guys can get it prescribed by your doctor if you just complain that your are depressed or can’t get it up anymore.
Yup. I was listening to an interview with Dan Bilzarian recently. He was saying how crazy it is now, everyone is on roids (him included). He was talking about the Rock and how juiced up he is. He's an obvious one but even guys who you wouldn't suspect. It's fascinating.

I don’t have a problem with it. As long as you under medical supervision and are taking it slow I don’t see the harm.
I don’t have a problem with it. As long as you under medical supervision and are taking it slow I don’t see the harm.
I don't either.

Anyone ever mess with natural testosterone boosters? Pill form style. I came across a post of an older gentlemen talking about how much life and energy it brought back to him. I don't think they can compare to HGH by any means, but some of the ingredients are unscientifically supposed to naturally create it, while naturally blocking estrogen. Thoughts? Or just more sparkle pills? @C Pav
