Coronavirus virus epidemic

I at first thought this was just a joke, but apparently it's real.

Honestly it would never work, I read so many peoples comments on it yesterday. The talked about pressing trespassing charges. I have seen some places in our state alone where I wouldn't step foot on some peoples property around here. The warning signs they have out front would even scare me off. Some people just want to be left alone.
New strains everyday, when will the madness end!


So I am hearing that the new Delta variant is more likely to infect someone that has already had the Covid vaccine, than someone who did not get it.

It found that the B.1.617.2 Delta variant dominates vaccine-breakthrough infections with higher respiratory viral loads compared to non-Delta infections (Ct value of 16.5 versus 19). It also generates greater transmission among the fully vaccinated HCWs.
Things are heating up fast and faster, we are starting to reach the stage where they are realizing that quite a few Americans are no longer getting the vaccine and their supplies are stockpiling up from people not wanting to take it. They have hit their wall. The are going to get more and more forceful on it. Until they eventually force it upon you.

I have been hearing more and more about this. The timing is awful strange. :unsure:


So now we get to hear the fear mongering media and the overly manipulated people whining and fearing some "Delta" variant and cases are increasing like crazy again. Here we go, going to be an insane fall and winter because so many are gripped by false fear.

Oh and if I say this I get called wrong and against science. I've been alive long enough to know that illness and diseases have been around forever and always will. Everyone has gotten severely sick in their life and yes some die because genetics and our bodies may not handle it well. It's called science and real world way of life. Survival of the fittest but so many are now so unhealthy and straight trash they don't understand that.

I don't know. Guess what I'm trying to say is all these complications that are being found like clots. Who knows that as a world we are just so fat and unhealthy that either many had those underlying health issues before and/or their fat trash bodies and immune system can't handle disease like in the past. I agree that yes their have been serious pandemics that did require vaccines and medications plus serious illness and loss of life but overall doesn't help that we spiral to such unhealthy lifestyles to begin with.

Get ready boys, these are the phases I talk about, they will start ramping it up faster and faster now.


Get ready boys, these are the phases I talk about, they will start ramping it up faster and faster now.kuocdptauob71.jpg
Yep, the new "normal", made up by the elite who have comfortable seats living double standards.

I already said my piece. I already had it. I don't have proof but as sick as I was last year, whole family in fact, we survived. I could get the vaccine and guess what? Still get covid. Some strain of it. Some new mutation of it. It's going to be that way forever LIKE THE FREAKING FLU. IT IS LIKE THE FLU!

You know exactly how this is. Media, social media, lying money hungry health care led by the WHO and CDC lining their pockets trying to destroy everything. Kids need to go to school, people need to work and the world needs to wise up and think for themselves. It's too late however as too many people just want to be straight worthless garbage.

I don't know why we can't just fix things by making all the losers in the world go start their own city in the middle of no where and see how that works for them.
