Old barn wood trend


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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So around here when people are building homes, the current trend is to make it look "rustic". The hot new trend is people are salvaging barn wood and using it as siding for their new homes. Stuff at one time people would had piled and burned. People will also use tin trim and then etch it with an acid so it rust so it looks like it's old tin. That and rock and pillars. Anyways my Boss is building a guest house and here a few weeks ago we had new wood that we had to put on this stuff that actually ages the wood and make it look old and like it's from a barn. It is expensive, and if you ask me it's just packaged rust. But it did work.


I did some staining this weekend on a wooden chest. I found some stain in my garage that was fairly full. I don't really know where it came from, but I thought "Why not"? Anyways it actually ended up turning out really good. Looks like an old treasure chest now. One nice thing with that wood stain is you can't really mess it up on your first coat. The first coat only soaks up so much so you can't really use to much or have to be precise. I just used an old rag to put it on with. After the first coat dries you can go over it again and again and progressively get darker and darker if you want. One coat is plenty for me.
Cool man, should post pictures, would love to see it.  Personally, I hate finishing, but is the most important step.  I know some people find it therapeutic, wish I was the same since I like to craft wooden things.
Cool man, should post pictures, would love to see it.  Personally, I hate finishing, but is the most important step.  I know some people find it therapeutic, wish I was the same since I like to craft wooden things.
I'll put it on my list to take some tonight and post them. It should be dry, been out in the garage for a few days. I still plan on putting a thin strip of green felt around the bottom lid so that way when the lid closes, it doesn't slam down, or smash a little kid's fingers as bad.

As Promised...




I can't believe how much old barn wood goes for around here. You know the type that is greyed, hanging in a cattle coral, on an old barn or house, weathered from time. It's probably worth more than normal siding around here. I have also seen in the local papers people willing to buy old barn wood and dismantle old building for free from back East.
I went and bought myself two handles for the front of this chest this weekend. I was proud of myself for lining them up perfect and installing them. Makes the chest so much easier to open. Got a dark bronzed color to match the stain.