Water - 8 glasses too much. How much do you drink?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2007
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We've all heard or been told to drink 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day. Or, then even some people started getting scientific by saying take your body weight and divide by 2 to get the number of ounces you need to drink. Well, what if you been told there actually isn't any scientific positive backup on that much water for the body or even told that our bodies could do fine with only even a single glass and the rest comes from food (if you eat a moderately healthy diet)? See the article below which explains a little more in detail:


I've been thinking of this and see more and more saying what I just mentioned in the previous paragraph. Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with a moderately dark yellow urine color and it's normal (all healthy mammals urine is yellow). Whereas a clear color means we've already over diluted our system and our electrolyte balance is low.

Common over hydration symptoms can mimic dehydration like thirst, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, etc... And most people who've been faithfully guzzling down lots of water (even the "recommended" amount) for a long period of time have created an environment where your body's signals are used to it. If a person goes without that higher level of water for a day or two, they think that they need to keep up the high amount of water intake. But if they were to let it go for a couple weeks or so, their body would begin to "normalize" again.

One thing I like to take is a practical approach to things and not get into fads. So I'm not proposing some crazy idea, but just to keep things in moderation. No one would think too much or even the recommended amount of water is a fad, but our body's are very powerful and if we take clues from nature, we can get many answers.

I concur. I recall reading about the last person below in the paper.

Water intoxication: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=strange-but-true-drinking-too-much-water-can-kill

Actual Events of Death From Water Intoxication

Jan. 12, 2007 Jennifer Strange died competing in a radio contest in which she had to drink an 8oz. glass of water every 15 minutes and couldn't go to the bathroom.

October 12, 2002 Rosita Gonzalez, 3 years old, died of water intoxication when she was forced to drink three quarts of water in a four-hour period.

2008 Jacqueline Henson died after drinking four liters of water in under two hours as part of her diet plan.

September 12, 1999 Micah J. Schindler died of heat stroke, made worse by water intoxication, two days after getting sick during a 5.8 miles march in Air Force Basic Training.

I always would make the point of water intoxication (deadly amounts going way way beyond normal in short terms) and how you describe those cases make it valid. What I'm now also trying to stress is long term effects of drinking the general thought of recommended amount. Also people who drink lots of coffee, tea, pop, smoothies are getting much more than needed.
I probably drink 70 or so ounces at work. Probably another 20 or more during the evenings. Not really making a point to drink a lot of water, I just get thirsty and I try not to drink much pop. I do have prob 3 cups of coffee per day as well so come to think of it, I drink a lot of water.
I try to drink alot of water. I basically force myself. The wife buys alot of bottled water these days so they are easy to grab. I normal grab one and take to work with me. They are only 20oz so not that much. Then I will fill it here at work and by the end of the day normally go though another 20oz. Its all about ease of access though. If I have to get out a cup I find myself not wanting to. But being able to grab a water bottle makes it easy. Then when I get home I usually go through 1 or 2 more. It's not the required amount, but it's probably better than most people get. Whenever we go out to eat, we always get water to drink. You will save alot of money doing this. This is where restaurants make their money, it's pure profits for them. But it's not the money it's I actually prefer water to drink. The more you drink water then more you will actually like it. Plus its good for you!
The point I'm trying to make is drinking less water and doing it for a couple of weeks to make your thirst habits go down to normalize it's balance again. By less water, I mean 20-30 oz max a day which includes coffee, tea, juices, etc.. But everyone's body, health habits, and opinions are their own, so I'll leave it at that.
Well i know you can re-tain a bunch of water and it will make you bloated. Eating alot of salty foods will do this to you. Our body is made up of what? 80% water or something. You are basically a walking water balloon. But drinking water flushes your system at the same time, it's like a piping system. It's really based off your lifestyle. Some people sweat more and use more energy up than others. So some may require more water than others. But unless your going extreme, I don't think you can really over do it with water. Your just going to urinate alot more.
science teacher once told story about eating a whole watermelon and getting water intoxication

"Under normal circumstances, accidentally consuming too much water is exceptionally rare"

wikipedia science

i need more exercise but i try to go on hikes every day

that's a good article though

science teacher once told story about eating a whole watermelon and getting water intoxication"Under normal circumstances, accidentally consuming too much water is exceptionally rare"wikipedia science

i need more exercise but i try to go on hikes every day

that's a good article though
Oh yeah, this old article. I would say that in our modern times with more toxins that we ingest or are exposed too, that drinking more good quality water would be helpful.7ithium, do you live in an area where you can go for a hike just like that?

I would think watermelon would give a sugar spike due to the high water and sugar content. One watermelon has 280 grams of sugar. Our daily limits are suppose to be around 70 or so on average.

yeah i live in the ugly dirty old butte montana but it is quite beautiful in the summer.


I live right at the base of this guy, just out of view on the right

I will post more pics from my phone - I'm bored

making a flickr account, will post thread

that's good to know about the daily sugar limits. this darn 27g sugar redbull

Well this has been awhile, anyways, I am going to try to force myself to drink more water. I do alright, I bring two bottles @16.9 oz. each to work each day and can drink them down. But it's tough to drink water in the winter because I don't get so thirsty. I am thinking about picking up a water bottle to bring to work with me since these plastic bottle get expensive. I was thinking about picking up a Yeti, Stanley, or a Hydroflask. Does anyone have one that they recommend?
Well this has been awhile, anyways, I am going to try to force myself to drink more water. I do alright, I bring two bottles @16.9 oz. each to work each day and can drink them down. But it's tough to drink water in the winter because I don't get so thirsty. I am thinking about picking up a water bottle to bring to work with me since these plastic bottle get expensive. I was thinking about picking up a Yeti, Stanley, or a Hydroflask. Does anyone have one that they recommend?
Save your money (I know you won't) and buy an Ozark Trail. They work great.

Save your money (I know you won't) and buy an Ozark Trail. They work great.
I know they do, I believe they have the same vacuum seal as any others. It's just we don't have one locally.

I know they do, I believe they have the same vacuum seal as any others. It's just we don't have one locally.
I'm almost certain you could order one through Walmart.com and have it to your door in 3 days. Perhaps with free shipping too.

I'm almost certain you could order one through Walmart.com and have it to your door in 3 days. Perhaps with free shipping too.
My soul belongs to Amazon, you know this.

Bought some Yeti 26oz water coolers awhile back, we have saved so much money by not buying bottled water anymore. It has paid for itself over and over, plus they fit in a standard vehicle water bottle holder perfectly.


I have been trying to be better about this, but with Fall weather coming along, I find myself barely even finishing my YETI throughout the day. Almost having to force myself now, unlike Summer.
Drink a gallon of water daily. You'll feel better.