What country do you think we will goto war with next?

I thought he was supposed to be on vacation? 
Unlike congress, he takes working vacations. Speaking of which, forget Europe. If you want real vacation time, be a member of congress.

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Something is gonna happen soon, I can feel it in my bones.
so Canada!
Canada? The furthest you have ever been away from home is 3 hours.

Canada? The furthest you have ever been away from home is 3 hours.
Well look who it is? Mr. thinks he knows me. You don't know sheet!

Well look who it is? Mr. thinks he knows me. You don't know sheet!
I know you like turtles.


USA: Export Glass Parking Lots Now, or Be a Banana Republic (Venezuela) Later
War is the Cure for What Ails us. Or Would you Rather Be Venezuela?
The Market Will Fix Everything.. And it Won't Be PrettyMarket clearing events will happen one way or another. Maybe not on an your timeline. But clearing events will happen. It always ends in 1 of 3 ways. Poverty, Death, or Collapse

  1. POVERTY:  The Baby Bust, Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennial Groups hold the bag and exist at a lower standard of living. (Zombie Existence)

      taxes, inflation, lies, and inferior standards are the methods

[*]DEATH: By War

    the ultimate market clearing, de-complexifying event.
  • social stratification levels flatten and people are all reduced to the same thing. Humans -Fight Club post debt erasure

[*]SOCIETAL COLLAPSE: . In which event  centralized constructs disappear and simpler but functioning entities take their place- Fight Club again

    EU- collapses, nation states re-emerge
  • US- Entitlement systems don't just get worse as in 1 above. They totally break
  • Emerging Markets- regress to war lords and anarchy

The Metro and the Sun both published feature length articles today advising the public on what measures to take in the event of “World War III”.