The Hillary Clinton conspiracy


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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So about a month ago there were all these rumors about Hillary have seizures all the time and Parkinson's disease. The rumors were going around and I didn't think much about them. Then about two days ago the video surfaced with Hillary fainting. But here is where it got weird. The videos were everywhere but the one place that they weren't spoken or talked about was the mainstream media. It was strange on one side "the internet" it was everywhere. The other side "public news" nothing. Finally after about two days it broke into the media. By that time they had a story ready about ready and said that she had pneumonia. Now here is the funny part I didn't really even believe the stories before until all this happened. After the way they handled it it then makes me believe it more. Just come out and be honest if you really had these conditions. Who cares? You can't go wrong telling the truth. So who knows now. Maybe they were right all along.
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The media is so disgustingly biased to the left it should come as no surprise that it didn't make the headlines for awhile. In my opinion there is definitely more to the story. Even Bill is on record recently saying that they can't quite figure out why she has fainted so often in the past. After all the lies, what is one more thing to cover up?
The media is so disgustingly biased to the left it should come as no surprise that it didn't make the headlines for awhile.
I have to saw I notice this more and more. They way they only display the news they want you to see. On the other candidate they will show a bad picture and only post when it's something negative. While the other one is in good poses etc. It's funny how that stuff can play with your mind.

There has certainly been a lot of retort towards Trump.  He's very dis-likable among the masses.  
Another reason you can't trust the media:

Amazon 'fixed' reviews for Hillary Clinton's book

According to -- which has been tracking the number of reviews -- Amazon deleted hundreds of comments last week that were critical of the book, which lays out a policy blueprint of how the country would look under a Clinton-Kaine administration
Have you guys seen the stuff about her using hand signals during the last debate? A pro poker player is convinced that she was using signals to the moderator.
Have you guys seen the stuff about her using hand signals during the last debate? A pro poker player is convinced that she was using signals to the moderator.
No I have not. But I am going to go read about it now. I have heard about here using an earpiece previously though. That Moderator was one sided anyways.

According to @jmanz WikiLeaks is back on for today even though I can't find anything on it.
Guccifer 2.0 Hacked Clinton Foundation


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I see Wikileaks is slowly releasing some stuff on Hillary and the Democrats. But they won't admit to it and say it's just the Russians. They knew it was coming and I believe that is why they came up with this Russian hacking theory of theirs.
I'm having a hard time making anything out of this, Hillary is immune unless they have something very shocking on her.  They just come out with empty threats and teasers.
I'm having a hard time making anything out of this, Hillary is immune unless they have something very shocking on her.  They just come out with empty threats and teasers.
Well truthfully I didn't think Wikileaks was going to release anything at all. But like @jmanz kinda said, I wonder of they are waiting with a big bomb shell until closer to the election? Even though I think she could murder someone and still get away with it (oh wait she already has, multiple people).

Just like I said...

WikiLeaks plans to release another batch of the 50,000 emails it claims it has, every day between now and Election Day – enough to create a constant trickle of embarrassment for the campaign. Aides argue this is exactly what the Russians and Trump wanted, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.
So I see she had to answer questions under oath, I believe there were about 20 of them. Guess how she answered them all?

Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned, she does not recall that it was ever suggested to her, and she does not recall participating in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that her use of a e-mail account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal recordkeeping laws.