What would it take to be happy at your job?


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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I was sitting here thinking. Would you be willing to take a half cut in pay to work at a job that you enjoy and are happy doing? Or would you rather get your full wage and be unhappy at your job? I'm kinda interested on how people will respond.
Unfortunately other things come into play and would need to change. A half cut in pay would be too much and the cost of living would make life terrible. Sure the job would be great but once done the pay would not cover living expenses, as is anyway, so kind of stuck with a trade off where you can't win either way. Of course one could change some of the other factors and get rid of as many expenses as possible but let's be honest, we love our "stuff", toys, electronics, games or whatever and giving those up is harder than we think.
So basically we are miserable to feed our happiness? Ironic isn't it?
Well, I know that it's a mental thing. We derive happiness from things that we should not too much. Some people eat to cope(me included), some buy stuff(I know, I am like that. I buy/bought stuff to make me happy but it only lasts a short bit then need to buy more.) and so many other 'addictions". We're just living the "American Dream" and can't slow down or slow it down. We are so deep into it that there is no escape. I at least envy you or those who read or can find cheap hobbies to go to get way from life's stresses. I guess exercise is my get away but that too it's something I go overboard on.
A question I have thought of often. Ultimately, I would like to have a job I loved, but the money I make at my job is what allows me to go on trips and buy things that I enjoy doing. If I could find happiness staying at home, and not owning some nicer material things, I would make the trade, but thats not what would make me happy away from work.
I have to vote no here. I don't hate my job, and I'm actually about to change to a little different job that will hopefully have fewer bad days than current. Loving my job would be great, but it's not really work then, but too few can get into something they love doing and make a living doing it.

Anyway, if I made twice as much as I do now, then maybe I'd take a 50% cut (ha), but like others, with the cost of everything I couldn't afford to take a 50% cut even if I really wanted to.

Not sure about half of pay but if it were 3/4, I would jump all over that. Work is where you spend most of your day/life doing. Life is too short to be miserable if you really hate the job.
You must be remoted into PRISM.

I had the "fortune" of having that decision made for me. I was laid off. I found a work with 11 days. I took a substantial cut in pay, but there are no jobs that pay the same rate in this county. There aren't many upsides to my scenario right now, but we don't have to move, the kids will be able to stay in the school system and with all their friends, etc. I am close enough to work that I can walk (and I have.) I'll work regular hours 8 to 4:30 now. Monday through Friday.

We traded in our Suburban, but we were considering doing that anyway. We found that we would have been able to refinance that for a lower payment, but the Pacifica is less of a payment. Interest is lower too. We should have refinanced the house years ago, and are trying to get that done now, but there is only 1 appraiser for our bank in this region, so we have to look for another bank.

3 plus weeks in, I think in the long run the change will have been for the better.

Sorry to hear that sir. I am glad that things are working out in your favor though. It could actually be a blessing in disguise. Keep your head up.